BlogPress Lite is the free version of BlogPress, it is a sepecial edition built to celebrate Blogger's 10th Anniversary.
BlogPress Lite is the free version of BlogPress, built to celebrate Blogger's 10th Anniversary. This app was engineered by InfoThinker, with the support from Blogger team at Google.
BlogPress is a feature-rich mobile blogging app for iPhone. It supports all the major blogging platforms, so users can write blogs, add photos and publish their works on the move. BlogPress is a must-have tool for blog writers.
BlogPress Lite Features:
* Support only Blogger / BlogSpots, support full options of blog, labels, publish date and online draft(private post)
* A mini Rich-text, WYSIWYG editor: BlogPress editor is as easy as Word. Placing your photos anywhere in the text is now a few taps away!! even you don't know html code. The posts will look the same as your editing.
* No limitation and easy-to-use photo uploader. You can upload MORE THEN ONE photo in a single post to any supported platform. Photos will be uploaded either to your own Picasa Web Album.
* Write once, multiple posts: By just one click!! you can send the same post to multiple blogs at various platforms. If you have more than one blog, this will definitely be a handy feature for you.
* Landscape editing mode: Allow you input your article with "big finger" landscape keyboard.
* Landscape editing mode: Allow you input your article with "big finger" landscape keyboard.
BlogPress full version features:
* Support more blogging platform: MSN Live Spaces, WordPress, MovableType, Drupal, Joomla, LiveJournal, TypePad
* Zero configureation photo upload album for all supported platform, we host all photos for you.
* Support Video uploading, seamless integration with YouTube. Publish video on your blog on the go!! (iPhone 3GS)
Thanks for Blogger team's supporting and happy birthday!
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