A matéria abaixo eu encontrei no excelente blog Alleyinsider.com que traz notícias sobre o munda da tecnologia.
Que o novo iPhone vai vender muito a gente já sabia, a diferença é que agora eles têm alguns números interessantes, aliás, dia desses saiu um outro informe dizendo que a Apple aumentou os pedidos para a fabricação de iPods, MacBooks e iPhones. Aquela turma lá da China e Índia deva estar trabalhando muito...
Unprecedented Pent-Up Demand' For Apple iPhone 3G, RBC Says
Dan Frommer | June 30, 2008 10:00 AM
More good news for Apple (AAPL) ahead of the 3G iPhone launch, scheduled for next Friday, July 11. Consumers have "unprecedented" demand for Apple's phone, according to new data from RBC's Technology Adoption Panel. From RBC analyst Mike Abramsky's note:
56% of those planning to buy a smartphone in the next 90 days plan to purchase an iPhone, up from 35% in March.
25% may buy the 3G iPhone "sometime in the future," more than twice the interest shown by the panel in March, 2007, ahead of the first iPhone launch.
Purchase interest in Apple is 2x or more that of other brands surveyed: RIM 23% (RIMM), Palm 3% (PALM), HTC 2%, Nokia 2% (NOK), Samsung 2%, Motorola 1% (MOT), others 11%.
Top reasons for buying the iPhone include lower price (67%), 3G Internet connection (63%), GPS (47%), Microsoft (MSFT) Exchange email support (35%), and third-party apps (20%).
The jump is the largest interest ahead of any consumer phone launch recorded by RBC's panel since 2003.
Good news for Apple and its rivals: 10.5% of panelists intend to buy a smartphone -- any smartphone -- up from 7%-8% average over the last few years. That's a bigger addressable market for Apple and RIM, Microsoft, etc.