Numa busca rápida pelo Google encontrei 14.000 citações em Português e quase 37.000 em Inglês.
Fui ver com meus próprios olhos e está lá. Por enquanto não há músicas ou filmes, apenas Applications para iPhone, as famosas Apps.
Faz todo sentido a Apple lançar a iTunes pra nós por aqui, afinal a base de iPods e iPhones ("não-oficiais") é grande e certamente ficará maior com a chegada do iPhone 3G pelas mão da Claro, Vivo e TIM (por enquanto). Só no site da Claro mais de 100.000 pessoas se cadastraram, inclusive eu... Vamos ver no que dá.
Vejam um dos comments que encontrei na rede:
Filed under: Mac — md @ 11:02 pm
Apple has opened up the AppStore section of the iTunes Store to Brazilian users. It is now possible to choose “Brazil” on the pulldown menu at the bottom of the iTunes Store Home Page and it will take you directly to the US store’s Applications for iPhone section. No portuguese translation yet, but considering the iPhone will also launch in Portugal this would be a minor step.
Nothing new has come forward about the iphone 3G launch in Brasil other than the fact that way over 100000 people have signed up to be notified on the website at who will bring the phone to local stores. It is also known that the phone is currently being examined and liberated (homologated) by Anatel for use in Brazil and to make sure it complies with GSM rules. This should be a technical detail since it has been announced allover the world.
More details and news as I get them.
3 comentários:
We should have a great day today.
Concentrate to the things that could give information to the people.
It could challenge the ideas of the people who visit your blog.
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